Thursday, May 13, 2010

Are We There Yet?

He told them: "Take nothing for the journey-no staff, no bag, no bread, no money, no extra tunic." Luke 9:3

Oh how we wish we had the faith of the apostles! We spent our last day stateside packing for the plane ride tomorrow. It's amazing how much stuff we think we need for three months. Fortunately we'll be serving in a tropical location as opposed to Alaska. We wouldn't have room for the sweaters!

We apologize for the delay in blogging, it seems as though responsibilities always fill the alloted time one has. After a cold week in Minnesota with family we are ready to depart for the Dominican Republic! We have several answers to prayer to report. First, full support for our missions experience this summer has been raised. Thanks to all for your prayers and contributions. In addition, our cat Tiger has found a loving home with a former coworker.

Our home in Des Moines is ready for renting. Our original plan was to rent furnished but discovered that prospective renters would likely want it unfurnished. We had a last minute scramble to get all the furnishings into storage, thanks to all who helped out! Speaking of renters, it sounds like there are some good candidates, so please pray the Lord brings the right tenants.

We would also appreciate your prayers as TIME Ministries plans have changed this summer. Due to the violence in Mexico, all the tours scheduled for the summer in Monterrey have been rescheduled for the Dominican Republic and Dallas, TX. Please pray for the staff, interns and groups that will be relocating, as well as the churches in Monterrey that depend so heavily on the work and ministry usually provided.

We should close at this point as we'll be waking up at 4:30am to get to Minneapolis for a 9:10am departure. We plan to arrive in Santo Domingo at 10:30pm Eastern time.

Full support has been raised
Storage for furniture
Home is ready for renting
Cindy's Aunt and Uncle driving us to the airport!


Ministry changes for TIME
Safe travel with attitudes and actions that reflect Christ
Good renters for our home

Oh, how did the packing go? Have a look!


  1. Praying for you both! May God bless you and keep you safe!! We already miss you!

  2. I've been thinking about you guys today. Hope your travel was safe and uneventful!

  3. Hooray! It all fit in your bags.(Great 'before' and 'after' pictures.)
    Best of luck and blessings as you start off on your mission.


About Us

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Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
We are missionaries with TIME Ministries in the Dominican Republic. TIME Ministries serves the needs of national pastors and provides short term missions experiences for visiting groups. Kris will be primarily serving in maintenance and construction while Cindy works with finance and administration.